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Technology or technology is a collection of techniques that exist in most parts of our lives and actually make our lives easier. From the smartphone that you use every day to the product that is produced in a factory, technology plays a role in all of them. This same technology has made significant progress in recent years and we can boldly say that it is impossible to live our lives without technology.
Next, we want to have a look at the technology and its types.

What is technology?
There are various definitions for technology, but the meaning of the word technology itself is a systematic operation. In fact, any device that we make using knowledge and skills is considered a technology. According to the definitions provided, technology is a tool to maintain the survival of humans and also a tool to dominate the environment. For this reason, technology has been used in almost all the devices that we see and use around us today.
But there are different types of technology and its use in different devices and our lives is different. For example, smartphones, which are considered one of the most important tools in the world of technology, play a much more prominent role in our lives today than the Metaverse. In addition, some technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics are developing rapidly and could become a big part of our lives in the future.

Mobile phones and smartphones
Several decades have passed since mobile phones entered human life; A device that provides wireless and remote communication for users. Mobile phones, which are considered to be one of the most obvious examples of technology in our lives, initially had very large dimensions, but gradually their size became smaller and took on a more modern shape.
But several years after mobile phones entered the market, we saw the introduction of their new generation: the smartphone. Along with the capabilities of mobile phones, such as the ability to make calls and send messages, thanks to its advanced operating system, these tools have countless practical features and are a kind of small computer that we always carry with us.
In fact, Apple revolutionized the mobile market by introducing the first generation iPhone in 2007. iPhones are now one of the most popular smartphones in the world, but the iOS operating system used in them is not the most used in the world. Shortly after Apple, Google entered the smartphone market with the Android operating system and now has the most users worldwide, which is logical considering the large number of companies that make products equipped with Android.

Tablets and laptops
Along with smartphones, tablets and laptops also play a significant role in people’s lives. Tablets, which should be considered as phones equipped with a larger screen, have made significant progress in recent years. In the last few years, Apple has tried to reduce the gap between iPads and Macs as much as possible, and for this reason, a few years ago, it unveiled the iPad Pro with powerful chips, and in the last two generations of them, it went to the M series chips used. It’s gone on Macs.
Along with Apple, Samsung is another major player in the tablet market, which, along with mid-range and low-end Android tablets, unveils flagship Galaxy Tab S series tablets with AMOLED displays and the most advanced Qualcomm chips. Xiaomi has recently decided to re-enter the tablet market.
Laptops are older than tablets and are used by most people almost as much as smartphones. Laptops have undergone many changes in recent years, and new categories such as ultrabooks have been added to them. These products offer low weight, high charging capacity and acceptable performance. Most laptops are equipped with Windows 10 and 11 operating systems, but the share of Apple MacBooks has also increased significantly in recent years.

The field of robotics, which we now call “Kian” in Digiato, has become very important in our world. Now more than ever, robots are present in the industry and many advanced factories use them to produce their products. Along with industrial operations, companies have invested heavily in humanoid robots. For example, Tesla wants to launch the Optimus humanoid robot in the near future, which according to “Elon Musk”, the CEO of Tesla, can be more important than the company’s electric cars.

Camera and gadgets
Before smartphones became popular and equipped with advanced cameras, most people used separate cameras to take photos and videos. Although most people today rely on their phone’s camera, companies continue to develop standalone cameras, especially professional mirrorless cameras. These cameras take much higher quality images than smartphones, and unlike smartphones, they can be enhanced by using different lenses.
Gadgets make up a wide range of electronic products; From wireless earbuds to smart watches and bracelets. In fact, these products have received a lot of attention in recent years, and more and more users are interested in buying them day by day. A few years ago, Apple revolutionized the market of wearable gadgets with the introduction of the Apple Watch and wireless earphones, AirPods and AirPods Pro, and Samsung, another leading company in the market, has increased the number of its gadgets, including its smartwatches and AirPods.

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